Heyo Peeps!
Monkeys or Yamazaru here! Its been quite some time since we had an update hasn't it? Oh yes indeed... Hence without further ado....An UPADATE!
Woohoo Yeah! I could almost hear the fans cheering. So whats instore for us this time? Aye! Current projects that we're working on are the Chocolate Collab, Restructuring of the Tarts website, Junior Boss pt2, Motivational Cards and More comics comming up! Ambitious aren't we? You bet!
Now before I end this little snipet, I'd like to welcome our newest member.
Rahayu. Congrats on joining Singapore's most aspiring artists (positive thinking....hey it might be true in the future perhaps? :D) . We managed to rope her in after our little meeting at MAGE Eastpoint. Her skills were so leet that even Shademaster
Aravilar couldn't handle it.
Oh yea....just for the fun of it.....^^
Aravilar forgot how to use the chopsticks.
GG to the rescue!
So.....thats our update by
Peace !